Help Centre

Below are some resources for bully victims and those who are concerned about bullying. In addition, some resources on what the effects of bullying are.

Education for middle school teachers and administrators about bullying and ways of dealing with it. Will help to raise awareness on the issues of bullying and ways of dealing with it! Click here for more information.

Have some time to spare? Try out some fun games!

"It’s my life! Beat the bully!" from PBS Kids GO! Click here.
"Games and Fun." from Pacer Center’s Kids Against Bullying. Click here.
"Anti-bullying League in 'Together we can Stop Bullying.'" from Teen Central.Net. Click here.

Experiencing workplace bullying? Click here. Information provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.  - Here you will be able to submit a report about a bullying incident that can be sent to the Principal at your school.
If you need someone to talk to: Kids Help Line1-800-668-6868

Bullying Resources from PREVNet :
…for Parents
…for Teens
…for Kids
…for Educators and Other Adults Who Work with Children

Anti-Bullying information for Parents from the Victoria Police Department.

An article by Amy Milsom & Laura L. Gallo on the development, consequences and strategies of bullying in school. It provides an insight on the long term effects of bullying for both the bully and the victim.